welcome to organik
who we are?
Understanding the sometimes harmful methods of modern agriculture, we started a niche for quality organic produce grown.
how we work?
We believe it’s the best way to inspire our community to relish in the taste of real, seasonal produce and keep connected to the land.
what we grow?
We take special care to select and grow specific crop varieties where exceptional flavor is the focus, with a determination to bring the best-tasting produce.
White Radish
Raddish are long, cylindrical white root and pale green near the top. They are crisp and tender and can be stored for a few weeks. Daikon is rich in enzymes that aid in digestion of starchy foods and fatty oils. It is rich in Vitamin C, phosphorus and potassium.
Turnips are starchy vegetables belonging to the Brassicaceae family which also includes cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts etc. The inner flesh of turnip vegetable is white in color with tinges of purple to pink to red whereas the skin color of the root bulb depends on the amount of sunlight it receives and is usually white. Like most other vegetables, turnips are low in calories and hence, quite nutritious.
Round Gourd
Small round gourd, also called baby pumpkin, is a vegetable grown for its immature fruit. Green colored and apple sized, it is a slightly sour fruit which can be eaten cooked, candied or pickled. Round gourd is regarded as super food for its numerous health benefits. It contains antioxidants like carotenoids and many anti-inflammatory agents, which help controlling blood pressure, heart diseases, and strokes and prevents cancer formation
Ridge Gourd
It is a dark green, ridged and tapering pretty vegetable. It has white pulp with white seeds embedded in spongy flesh. A ridge gourd also commonly known as Turai. Its hard skin is peeled off and chopped and cooked as desired.
Sweet, delicious green peas, also popular as garden peas, are one of the ancient cultivated vegetables grown for their delicious, nutritious green seeds.
Green peas are one of the most nutritious leguminous vegetables rich in health promoting phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.
Okra is also known as “lady’s finger,” or “bamia pod”.
The okra pods are among the very low-calorie vegetables. They provide just 30 calories per 100 g besides containing no saturated fats or cholesterol. Nonetheless, they are rich sources of dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins; often recommended by nutritionists in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction programs.
Green Chilies
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
French Beans
French beans have a thin, cylindrical shape with plump indentations along their contour, outlining the peas inside, which are shelled tightly within the bean flesh. The peas, which are essentially the bean’s seeds, are a vibrant lime green in color, semi starchy in texture with a mild taste of the beans sweet and grassy flavors.
French beans provide less starch and protein than dried bean varieties, though they have higher levels of Vitamin A and Vitamin C.